Scratch Level 4 - Create Your Own Game"

What difficulties did you have with programming this game? How did you fix them? Be specific.

=The biggest  mistake that happen during founded this game because using a lot of game as a model so the key/script is so complicated some how to fix this problem is testing by doing 1 and then try until in mix well and going on well together

1.the first problem was poro[main character] not moving by the direction that I have key to fix is click the sprite info and change rotated style
2. The snack keep not appear in some backdrop so I key it to pop up in backdrop  that i want and create  alot sprite of snack so it dosent have only one in one back drop

3.the health for both BOSS and main character doent reduce while they hitting each other the  solution is go and key to the both health sprite

If you used tutorials or another person's scratch project for reference, tell me what changes did you make to YOUR project?

I kind of mix 3 video of tutorial together because some of them are missing something\ some of them are to hard to understand or key. Moreover I didnt use only the youtube video I also watch different style of mario game so I can understand which scrip is for what and what I have to key in my game for example  this tutorail create didnt create background by his self but I dont wan t to having the mario background so I have to look forward to this one but this game mario didnt walk fluently so I have to change the mario key by 

What feedback did your beta testers have for you and how did you implement their suggestions?

What would you improve with your game? What would be the next steps with your game if you had more time?

This project have very very short time so I have to cut a lot of character and story If I have more time I want to create the more level and more information for background because this one is to simple I want to add more object such as special snack that when yoou eat you can get more power


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